This series attempts to capture the collective battle against Covid 19. The people chosen can be seen to represent certain groups and their own individual efforts whether from home or the 'front line'. But through these portraits I also aim to reflect a united, global struggle against the pandemic and the human response to it. Covid has highlighted our interdependence and the shared fate of humanity. The accompanying letters are displayed alongside the piece.
'We're all in this together’.
I completed the series during the first Lockdown in NZ - March - April 2020
No. 1
Dear Sam,
Your response to this was typical of you. Your instinct was to find ways to help. For your whole life you’ve been determined to fight for what is right and be there for others. Your own sense of social responsibility, morality and justice means you are also accutely aware of the failings of politicians and behaviour of others who don’t follow the same ethical code. This creates a constant internal struggle. I wish I could be closer to you and share your load. I’ve always missed you and this situation makes the distance feel greater than ever. But I know you are strong and actually you are right here with me - my brother.
No. 2
Dear Mandy,
In the first week of Lockdown amongst all the confusion you were there. Online. Ready. A familiar, friendly face. There for my daughters and I to tune in to. To inspire us to make art together. A stable, solid thing to focus on when I was grasping for air. To provide calm in a storm. We will never forget that. You are here to represent the art community, teachers and educators. I know it’s not always easy to give. To be the one on show on days when we ourselves are low. But the belief that art and creativity can help us (in these times more than ever) is one we share. Thank you for your conviction.
No. 3
Dear Tom,
I love what you did and have great respect for you. But I hate the fact you needed to do that. That your country needs an old man like you to help protect its health professionals. Yes, you touched hearts and we thank you- not because I’m a nationalist, not because the right-wing media tells me ‘you’re a hero’. Simply because you are a good man with love in his heart and you care about others. And because I want nurses and doctors to be protected, and the elderly to be cared for properly. You have helped highlight the fact that politicians have failed. I’m afraid the true story here is the negligence of your government. While decent, honourable workers (like you) still act and fight (as you did in WWII) to protect others- the elite (in Britain) only serve themselves and protects wealth over people. As they always have done. In fact, the hypocrisy of this situation is sickening and I cannot separate the truth from the beauty of your act of humanity.
RIP - Captain Tom Moore 1920 - 2021
No. 4
Dear anonymous Scientist,
Please find the vaccine and save us all from this virus.
No pressure!
No. 5
Dear Ancy,
You are here to represent all the many people who take care of others. Your smiling eyes say so much behind the mask. I know you’ll be embarrassed by the attention. I know you don’t believe you’re some sort of hero - you’re just doing your job. Right? True, but now we truly see the worth in your work. The risk, the sacrifice you take – or would when called upon. The daily duty, the grind, the grit most of us comfortably hide from and the security you provide us all. And others like you are dying around the globe. And now, more than ever before we must all demand equality, and recognize the true value of all health professionals.
No. 6
Dear Gareth,
You are here to represent all the friends I miss. The fun we would have had this year. Also, the parents who are stepping up and going one step beyond. To entertain, to find humour, to show strength and be there for their children. To hold it together for them (and let loose) when there is much fear behind our smiles and our role play. We too want our parents to reassure us. We too are frightened of this new world. The world which we brought others into even when we knew it was a risk. But we will keep playing and keep laughing. And we will keep on going because they depend on it.
Dear anonymous Chinese street cleaner,
You are here to represent all the ‘essential workers’ who have continued to do their jobs and take risks while ‘non-essential workers’ (like me) stay home and stay safe. Because now we see how hypocritical things truly are. As you, and billions of others like you, are now classified as ‘essential’ yet pay, status and welfare has never reflected this. In reality wealth does not equate to who is necessary and what work is needed in society and in this crisis, the façade of class stratification, and the capitalist mode of production has been revealed to us.
Ps: I’m sorry I don’t know your name.
No. 8
Dear Jacinda,
Thank you for putting people before money.
Enough said.
Dear Jago,
You have included yourself in this series as a reminder. Never forget this period of time and the solace you found in your art. The calm space you created for yourself in your studio and in your mind while making these paintings. Ever since you were a child drawing and painting has been your meditation, your way to process, escape and find inner peace. Yet at times you drift away from this practice and seek other means. In future when you look back remember that despite your mental struggle and fear you found moments of clarity - even elation while making these pictures. You discovered once again you are stronger than you think. Remember also how you reconnected to yourself despite inner conflict and an external collapse of normality. In fact, you (and many others you’ve talked to) have found good things have come from being restricted, made to slow down, forced to just ‘be’. Try to find your way back here if you drift off again.
Covid Warriors on display at Kumeu Arts gallery 2020
Purchase Prints
Limited edition fine art prints are available to order 1/50
A4 - $85
A3 - $125