‘View of Bethells Beach’ - Multiple Exposure Pinhole - Limited edition prints available.


Pinhole Photography

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“Pinhole photography is lens less photography. A tiny hole replaces the lens. Light passes through the hole; an image is formed in the camera. Basically, a pinhole camera is a box, with a tiny hole at one end and film or photographic paper at the other.”  www.photo.net


I have always loved the look of a Pinhole photograph – the aged aesthetic and how the long exposure captures atmospheric elements. I also like the look I get from passing strangers, observing a man trying to hold a box very still for some time. I have made cameras using baking dishes, various boxes, wheelie bins and less successfully I once tried to use my mouth. 

 Image - Piha Pinhole. Limited edition prints available.

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Image - Corban’s Studio

When teaching at secondary schools I liked to introduce the subject of photography using Pinhole techniques. I felt it was a great way to understand the essence of photography as a drawing with light. It can also help understand the principles of shutter speed and aperture. Children are always amazed that they can make a camera and they love watching the magic of a photograph developing. 

‘Moving Lion’ (left) and ‘Lion’ multiple exposure pinhole photos shot on a homemade ‘baking dish camera’ -Prints available


The Magic Campsite


Covid Warriors